

  1. Pointwise Sliced Mutual Information for Neural Network Explainability
    Shelvia Wongso, Rohan Ghosh, and Mehul Motani
    In IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, (ISIT), 2023
  2. Using Sliced Mutual Information to Study Memorization and Generalization in Deep Neural Networks
    Shelvia Wongso, Rohan Ghosh, and Mehul Motani
    In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2023
    Oral Presentation at AISTATS (Top 1.9% of Submitted Papers).


  1. Understanding Deep Neural Networks Using Sliced Mutual Information
    Shelvia Wongso, Rohan Ghosh, and Mehul Motani
    In IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, (ISIT), 2022